Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saturday Yoga Event in Sèvres

Come and join us this Saturday April 9 2011

There will be two introduction classes, given by Sibylle Siegrist, a children and family yoga instructor, certified by Rainbow Kids Yoga:

Ages 5 and up
Starting at 14.30h, ca. 1hour

Ages 2-4
Starting at 15.30h, ca. 45min

This event will be hosted by Ruth Clarke, in 92310 Sèvres, 12 rue Brancas from 14h-17h. There will be snacks and drinks for the children and lots of place to run about (if the weather permits, there is a fabulous garden to be taken over by the kids during their stay:))

RSVP by Friday April 8 2011, or

Dropping in on Saturday is possible, we applaud every child that joins the class:) BUT there is a limitation of maximum 8 children per class, due to the size of the room.

Price: 10 € per Child / 5 € for sibling

News "APRIL"

There will be no more adult evening classes on Thursday 18.00 at the Red Earth Centre from April onwards.

Focusing more on the children and family, the Tuesday 17.30-18.30h at the Red Earth Centre is still open until July 2011.

Look out for any events, coming up! Enjoy the Spring:)